Your weight loss journey is about a lifestyle change, however that does not mean you can’t have take-aways or eat out at a restaurant ever again. We are here to try and help you make healthier choices when eating outside of the home- so that you can still enjoy yourself, have something tasty, special and not feel guilty. We all know that eating at restaurants and fast-food establishments can be unhealthy; this sheet is here to help guide you on making healthier choices when eating out.
Some proteins are higher in saturated fats and salt than others, so try keep these things in mind when choosing meals:
* Don’t forget about plant-based protein like soya, tofu, quorn, lentils, beans and nuts.
Our diets often consist of far too many carbohydrates. Remember to aim for carbohydrates covering only a ¼ of your plate. Keep in mind that carbs can be a brilliant source of fibre and even protein (e.g lentils and beans). But they can also be very processed, high in fat or sugar- like pastries, white bread, fried chips. Always aim for carbohydrates that are high in fibre- such as wholewheat pasta, lentils, quinoa, sweet potatoes, oats, wholewheat bread - they keep us fuller for longer and helps with constipation. Some ideas when eating out: substitute fried chips with baked potato. When getting a takeaway lunch, aim for bean/quinoa salads or sandwiches on wholemeal bread/wrap.
We all know that we should include more vegetables in our diet- but how do we do that when eating out? In a restaurant, try aim to have a meal with a side of vegetables or salad where possible. You can often swap the carb portion for a salad/vegetable if you ask. Some meals have vegetables in them, so they are good options too- such as a stir-fry, some pasta dishes, noodles soups etc. When grabbing a meal on the go – always look for ones with salad in them, like wraps, bean salads, quinoa salads etc.
Healthier takeaway meal substitutes:
Pub food