The Blog

Lets Keep Motivated

Try these tips to help keep motivated when your resolve is starting to fade:


  • Remember and physically write down the reasons why you wanted to lose weight or get fitter in the first place – use your reasons to motivate you into continuing.


  • Think of the alternative – If you give up, you stay exactly how you are now. Are you happy with that? If not then DON'T GIVE UP! Things will never change if you give up at the first hurdle.


  • PLAN PLAN PLAN! – Planning makes things easier in the long run. Plan when you will exercise and put it straight in your diary, as if it is a business meeting. Plan your healthy meals in advance – being organised will make it easier to reach your goals.


  • Break your overall goal into smaller more achievable targets – if you want to lose 5 stone, but that seems too big to achieve, aim to lose 4 or 5 pounds every month and just take things one month at a time!


It's not a race, it's a journey!

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