Christmas dinner can be enjoyed by everybody to a certain extent – no matter what stage of the journey you are at. But we aren’t going to lie – it might be a far cry from your usual Christmas dinner for some:
Liquid Stage: Smooth, blended turkey soup – you can’t beat homemade soup on a cold, winters day
Soft Diet: Blended turkey with mashed potatoes and mashed veg, extra gravy. Alternatively try turkey mince with soft vegetables and potatoes.
Textured Diet: Enjoy your usual Christmas dinner but don’t forget the 20+ rule
There is no reason to miss out on Christmas treats but portions will just be smaller.
Alcohol intake tends to go up after the Christmas period, but you can choose this wisely to keep the calories down – spirits with low calorie mixers or wine instead of beers and baileys. Remember to take care with fizzles - stir out the fizz, slip slow and if any discomfort swop to a flat drink.